Mold Training Companies
If you want to become a mold inspector or mold remediator, NAMRI recommends researching mold training companies
carefully as the quality varies widely. Some schools do not offer consumer protection, or do not specialize in
mold training. Understand the tuition reimbursement procedure and refund policy before you enroll in any mold inspection
or mold remediation training school. Make sure that the mold training counts towards any mold licensing requirement
in your state including field experience or apprenticeships.
NAMRI-Accredited Mold Training
The organization(s) below are NAMRI-accredited* training providers that count towards the education requirement
for NAMRI membership. NAMRI-accredited training providers who also participate in NAMRI's Gold-Level program are
eligible to provide free 1-year NAMRI memberships to their graduates. If you are considering a mold inspection
training course, ask the provider if they have applied to become a NAMRI-accredited training provider. Applicants
for membership who do not meet the NAMRI-accredited education requirement must qualify with documented mold inspection
Professional Mold Inspection Institute (PMII)**
Professional Home Inspection Institute (PHII)**
BOI Environmental (BoiE)**
**Indicates Gold-Level training provider which includes NAMRI 1-year free membership
for graduates
Non-profit National Mold Association Definition
There are a number of "mold groups" that operate for for-profit, but only a few non-profit mold organizations
in the United States or elsewhere. NAMRI recognizes a national mold association as follows: (1) operated on a not-for-profit
basis and not as a franchise; (2) has members in more than ten states; (3) requires an accredited entrance examination;
(4) requires members comply with a code of conduct; and (5) requires continuing education for ongoing membership.
Mold Industry Links
NAMRI Website Directory
NAMRI does not endorse or control the content of member web sites. Please contact NAMRI if you have any concerns
about the listings.
Powerbees - Mold Removal, Water Damage Repair, Air Duct
Cleaning and Alternative Energy Sources. Massachusetts, Florida, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and
Mold Inspection Report Software - Flexible
cloud-based software for mold inspectors.
*To become a NAMRI-accredited training provider, a mold inspector training school must submit
an application to NAMRI for approval. Applicants are required to have one visit to the training site; a review
of the curriculum, enrollment and company structure, be authorized or licensed by its state post-secondary education
governing body and not facing disciplinary action; be insured and bonded; have been in continuous operation for
at least 10 years; be an accredited member of the Better Business Bureau with a satisfactory complaint history;
and employ instructors who hold valid instructor licenses in the state(s) where the training is conducted. Accreditation
is renewed every 3 years. Note that the application processing fee, which includes travel expenses, background
checks and administrative fees, is based upon the school's average annual enrollment and is not refundable.
To see a list of NAMRI-accredited mold training providers click here.